architecture and design exhibition, fuel efficient lightweight car, automotive design, Nicholaas Chiao

Title of the Exhibition:

Anatomy of an Angels

Date of Creation:
Architecture, Urban-related Sculpture, Design
Period Movement:
Digital Art
Original digital prototypes

Exhibition Description:
This selection consists of monumental forms of architecture, technological art, and design prototypes. The artist addresses the ecological necessities by creating a more harmonious economy of renewable clean fuel production, consumption & intelligently morphing machine and human, merging houses and biological landscape. This Exposition consists of monumental palaces, temples, museum buildings, and technological art as prototypes for our future projects on the industrial level. Especially noted lightweight car prototypes, such as the Biomobile and Minimobile whose idea is to save fuel by consuming less energy because of the extremely small weight of a vehicle. Artist proposes the idea of making fuels more expensive, but minifying consumption by greatly reducing the weight of vehicles. Presented here prototypes of water jets and helicopters are also lightweight fuel savers. Architectural ideas here are based on the idea of biomorphic cocoon-like prefabricated modular structures and the impressive monumental palaces deemed to reduce needs of the public to extremities of frequent far away tourist trips to rely on more kinds of these attractions within the more local areas. Also important here is the idea of a climate-controlled chamber-bed permitting a more economical, but still comfortable existence in areas of extreme heat and cold.

Purchase Inquiries:
In Artist's Collection

architecture of a palace, lucrative building
Lucrative Palace, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
obelisk, alphabet
Alphabet Obelisk, Sculptural Project, 2016, Digital Media
architecture, contemporary art, artist, design, Brooklyn, art deco, painting, digital painting, Nicholaas Chiao, Nicholas Chistiakov
Lucrative Palace, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
aircraft, zeppelin
Contemporary Zeppelin Aircraft, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
aircraft, helicopter, drone
Helionavigator, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
minimobile, lightweight car, vehicle
Minimobile, Automotive Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
biomobile, lightweight sportscar
Biomobile, Automotive Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
lucrative small house
Architectural Project of Elitarian House, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
pseudo historical palace in medieval manner
Faux-Renaissance Building, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
contemporary architecture, museum building
Project of Museum of Neurofuturism, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
obelisk, numbers
Obelisk with Numbers, Sculptural Project, 2016, Digital Media
temple of knowledge
Project of Modern Temple, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
architecture of a 5 story beach house
Resort Five Story Housing, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
architecture of modular residential building
Residential Building, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
architecture, building
Ecofriendly Residential Building, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
solar house, self-sustaining building
Self-Sustaining Ecohouse, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
architecture, skyscraper
Skyscraper, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
temple, religious building
Modern Temple, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
architecture of a temple, contemporary temple
Modern Temple, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
architecture of a small Museum of Art
Museum Bulding, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
musical instrument, design
Musical Instrument, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
toilet, design
Golden Toilet, Art Project, 2016, Digital Media
light art
The Fear of Bright Light, Art Project, 2016, Digital Media
lamp design
Magnolia Lamp, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
Hydro-Thermal Power Plant, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
energy-saving sleeping chamber
Sleeping Chamber, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
sun-oriented solar batteries
Sun-Position Sensitive Solar Panels, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
water vehicle
Water Jet, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
aircraft, helio-drone
Heliodrone, Design Project, 2016, Digital Media
moon bridge
The Moon Bridge, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
private island
Island Residence, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
modern temple
Modern Temple, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
scientific museum
Museum Building, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
scientific temple
Modern Temple, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
Ecohouse, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
prefabricated greenhouse project
Prefabricated Greenhouse, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
educational institution building
Educational Building, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media
structural strong lightweight porous element
Construction Block, Structural Element, Architectural Project, 2016, Digital Media


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